
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

BMW i Solar Carport Concept

Beware the idea of a "death spiral," heralded by some as the inevitable result for electric utilities of mass adoption of renewable energy sources--particularly solar.

Under this scenario, advances in renewable energy will allow consumers to generate more of their own power. As more customers leave the network, the theory goes, companies will be forced to raise rates to cover fixed costs--like power-transmission infrastructure--forcing even more people away.

In keeping with its quest for offering environment-friendly alternatives to its main line of vehicles, such as the i3 and i8, BMW unveils a brand new concept that takes efficiency a step further.  The carport is constructed using carbon fiber, bamboo (due to its quick-growing attributes), and features a roof made entirely out of solar panels. Made to supplement the Wallbox Pro charging system while taking some of the load off the grid, the Carport is nowhere near as powerful as the current wall charging system and is only really appealing to those who live in areas that are perpetually sunny.

1 comment:

  1. Its a fine example of portable carport which is made for a precious car. thanks for displaying the carport.
